Personalize Your Practice : Who should you hire?

There are a few major factors to take into consideration when finding the right private yoga teacher for you .

  1. What are your goals?

  2. What are their credentials / experience?

  3. What is your investment budget (time / money)?

GOALS : Many of us are introduced to the movement side of the practice, asana. However, the real magic comes from integrating the entire system of yoga to release physical, mental, and emotional tension that is holding us back from reaching and living out our highest potential. This integration takes us from where we are to where we want (need) to be.

My intake with new students includes a 15 minute consultation + comprehensive questionnaire and provides critical information to prescribe the most effective practices for my students. Some key questions / observations include :

  • Where do you hold the most physical tension?

  • What are your compensation patterns and why?

  • Do you find it easier to hold at the top of your inhale or bottom of your exhale?

  • What peak performance (or high stress) moments do you have coming up in the next 90 days?

  • What is your reaction when asked to be still for 10 minutes?

Is there a clear roadmap for your time together?

CREDENTIALS / EXPERIENCE : I’m going to keep it real - “yoga instructors” are a dime a dozen these days. Running a yoga teacher training program is an excellent revenue stream for studios. Does graduating from a 200 hr yoga teacher training program mean you’re ready to start teaching? Not necessarily - let’s break it down.

200 RYT - successfully completed 200 hours of training. This is the minimum requirement to become a certified yoga teacher (per the Yoga Alliance).

500 RTY - successfully completed 500 hours of training.

200 eRYT - completed 200 hours of training + 1,000 teaching hours + 2 years of teaching experience.

500 eRYT - completed 500 hours of training + 2,000 teaching hours + taught a minimum of 4 years (since completing their first training).

Do they have the training + experience to take you from where you are to where you want to be efficiently?

INVESTMENT : When hiring a private yoga teacher you are investing both your time and money. It is important to consider your investment budget. Before you make the investment I highly recommend you do a vibe check! If the teacher has a public offering coming up soon take it. And while you’re there keep an eye out for their ability to help offer individualized variations, answer questions, etc.

Proximity : For many clients the ability to continue their routine while traveling is critical. Does this teacher offer in-person and virtual sessions?

Cadence : You get out what you put in. And consistency is key! How often would you like to practice / month?

Is this the right teacher for your during this season of your life?

Finding the right teacher for you may take time. Don’t be afraid to ask around! Word of mouth is the best referral out there.

Think I might be the right teacher for you? Do a vibe check in one of my upcoming workshops or group classes!

Then book your 15 minute complimentary virtual consultation here.