Resources to deepen your personal practice as you pursue your highest potential.


How Doshas Impact Peak Performance

One of the biggest factors to not reaching reaching peak performance is burnout or mismanagement of energy input vs output.

When you are able to recognize how stress + tension is showing up for you physically, mentally and emotionally through the lens of the doshas you can select practices that will help pacify these symptoms and return to homeostasis.

Personalize Your Yoga Practice

The personalization of your yoga practice takes you from where you are to where you want to go. Hiring a private yoga teacher for 1:1 attention offers you guidance to get there as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Learn more about the the benefits, deciding who to hire with this blog series :

Upgrade your post run routine

As you finish up your next run use the tips below to upgrade 3 popular post run stretches :

  1. Crescent lunge

  2. Quad stretch

  3. Forward Fold

Published April 05, 2021

Top 5 props for your home practice

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

“The next time you practice consider where you need help. Blocks helped bring the floor up to me in forward folds, a strap offered the extension required to maintain good posture, a bolster provided the support I needed to be able to surrender into stillness. Add props into your practice and bring the poses to YOU.”

Published april 09, 2021

Tech for your virtual teaching space

If you could’ve picked one piece of technology to purchase for virtual classes what would it be?

“I’m not big on tech - but I have had to do a lot of research / online shopping this last year. Below is my spark note answer of technology to purchase, with links to some of my key purchases that I use personally. I hope it is helpful as a starting point for your own research!”